What we think about when we try not to think about global warming: by Per Espen Stoknes

What we think about when we try not to think about global warming By Per Espen Stoknes
Guest Blog by Jane Sanders

There’s a Permaculture principle called the ‘edge effect’ which describes the incredible richness and diversity that is to be found where two habitats meet … for example the edge of a forest. This book brought this to mind as I experienced the weaving together of psychology and climate science, Per espen stokneseconomics, and deep ecology. As a reader it invited me to stretch my edges too, venturing into new territories. Per offers an integrated holistic approach to the diagnosis and the ‘treatment’ of the earth’s malaise like a holistic medicine practitioner who looks deeper than symptomatic treatment to heal the body.

How Modern Economics Erodes Social Resilience

In systems design, a key way to create resilience is via duplication or even redundancy: for any crucial component, there is a counterpart which can hum into action if the main one fails.  This principle is important in sustainability too: organic farms have several kinds of crops, and livestock, which mean that if one fails, … Read more

Book Brief: Thomas Berry: ‘The Dream of the Earth’

Is myth both the problem and the solution?

The Dream of the EarthBerry has an unusual, eloquent, and valuable view of how we humans got into the current crisis, and how to move out of it.  This view is powerfully presented in the ‘Dream of the Earth’, one of his many books.

Thomas Berry described himself as a cosmologist and Earth Scholar – he was also a Catholic priest,

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Book brief: Active Hope by Macy and Johnstone – an excellent guide to personal resilience

Active HopeI have taken part in workshops led by both Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, and regard them as two of the best teachers on personal resilience in a full sense of the phrase.  This book is a clear, concise guide to their approach, and has the authority and richness that comes from their many years of teaching.

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Book review: The New Road: Charting Scotland’s Inspirational Communities

The New Road: Charting Scotland’s Inspirational Communities: a truly encouraging book, delightfully written, in the form of a one-week rail and road trip around Scotland, seeing what’s new and working well in raising community resilience. It has just the right amount of practical detail and atmospheric colour.