New ideas of progress: circles and tones

The idea that progress is always linear, forward and upward, has long been questionable.  In recent years, many economic observers have declared that even stable living standards should be seen as an achievement. Recently, I found myself pondering different models of how progress can be recognised: we urgently need these as the conventional linear ones … Read more

Can we choose to be happy?

As I continue to ponder the keys to resilience, I’ve concluded that this act of choice is a vital step – and it fits with the principles of mindfulness. Yes, there are some people who are temperamentally cheerful and adaptable, but I see many more who get stressed time and again by everyday life, as … Read more

New Ideas of Progress: Circles and Tones

The idea that progress is always linear, forward and upward, has long been questionable.  In recent years, many economic observers have declared that even stable living standards should be seen as an achievement. Recently, I found myself pondering different models of how progress can be recognised: we urgently need these as the conventional linear ones … Read more

How Modern Economics Erodes Social Resilience

In systems design, a key way to create resilience is via duplication or even redundancy: for any crucial component, there is a counterpart which can hum into action if the main one fails.  This principle is important in sustainability too: organic farms have several kinds of crops, and livestock, which mean that if one fails, … Read more

Pragmatic Nomadism: Mongolian-Style Resilience

I have learned from nomads as a role model for modern-day resilience for many years, drawing mainly on my experience leading twelve groups with Bedouin in the Tunisian Sahara.  Kate Humble’s recent BBC2 series on nomads offers vivid insights from across the world, and I enjoyed her programme on nomads in the Gobi desert, Mongolia. … Read more

The Challenger Spirit by Dehnugara and Genkai Breeze

The value of resilience, and purposeful instability… The focus of this well-written book is creating successful, innovative organisations, and the personal skills to enable this.  The authors are co-founders of Relume, a small team who have helped top businesses for many years.  Claire Genkai Breeze draws heavily on her Zen Buddhist training in her approach. … Read more

Blog: Why Do Men Need Men’s Groups

Men generally grow up seeing other men as competitors, and mostly  have poorer support networks and interactive skills than women.  Perhaps that was useful when fighting for the last bison on the plains, but it doesn’t help most men in 2015. These days, most of us need high emotional intelligence and collaboration skills just to … Read more

Book Review: Resilience by Liggy Webb

If you do a web search for books on personal resilience, this one comes up as well rated. It is a clear, common-sense self-help guide to the basics of the topic.

The book is easy to use, with a mix of checklists, exercises, anecdotes, and resources guides at the back. It handles such issues as dealing with strong emotions in a sensible style which avoids New Age jargon.

How do we find the spiritual roots of resilience?

There’s so much talk about resilience these days, but little of it explores spiritual sources.   My focus is resilience in everyday life: how we can stay steady, and grow through daily stress and bigger crises. There’s plenty of research to show that people who feel a higher sense of purpose, who have a spiritual path, … Read more